Sunday, January 29, 2012

Aunt Carol

I hate to say that I have to leave my baby for more than one day of work...but I am starting a new
job that requires a week and a half of orientation... if it were up to me I would be home every singe day.

I reached out to Aunt Carol who has a pretty open schedule, and loves Claire to pieces.
We had her up to play and learn about Claire's schedule so she would be prepared.
And if you cannot tell here...Claire was smittened by her.
She gave 100% of her attention to Claire, which I knew would win us both over.
I am at ease leaving my bean with someone who I know will take care of her just as I would.
...and read the same books over and over again, just as we do :o)

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hair cut

First hair cut at the big girl salon with aunt Jessie!

Friday, January 20, 2012

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snack time with Bon Jovi

Cheerios and raisins... the girls favorite snack.

Nice mullet Bon Jovi... we recently got a little trim, thank goodness.

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play date

I cannot resist taking photos of these two when they get together...which is quite often.
They have really grown to love each other, and it is so fun to watch them play.

They climb in and out of the tent, cracking each other up!
Sometimes us mommies are in our own world chatting, and we hear them laughing hysterically at each other.
It is so precious.

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Friday, January 13, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012

Project 52

So I am stepping out of my "blog box" and I am going to start my own project 52.
It is a little project for photographers (which I am far from, but would like to get better...) where they are to take a photo each week for 52 weeks using a different theme each week.
The original website has a theme that that they use each week which you can see here.
Of course my theme will be Claire, why would I pick anything else?
So I am going to follow my favorite blogger who has done this for the past year, Shawna, and finish the same sentence about beanie each week, and take a fresh picture of her. (go ahead and click on the link to her site and prepare to spend hours on her blog. She is amazing, and we were separated at birth...I don't know how but we are the exact same person. for real.)
This is supposed to get me to use my camera more each week, but sometimes we are on the go and all I can do is grab my phone... so that will have to work.
I am hoping this will help me take more photos of our family and that way one day I will look back and see how we grew each week.

Here goes!

i love you because...
you are WILD!
with Bon Jovi hair, and a mean lion roar,
you have a crazy wild side and i only want more. :)

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Sunday, January 8, 2012


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It was unseasonably warm yesterday so we decided to head to the park.
The park near our house is awesome and Claire loved it.
She is just brave enough to go down the slides by herself and climb on everything.

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

the special Christmas moment

And if some of you were wondering what the most special moment of Christmas was...
It was our announcement, a photo of Claire with the letters "Big Sis" added to the frame.
This makes grandchild number 6 for Ema and Pa (mommy's parents) and they were super excited.
It will be grandchild number 5 for Grammy and Papa (daddy's parents).
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big sis

Bean is going to be a big sister this summer and we couldn't be more thrilled.

We took her to our first prenatal appointment, and she did great. Of course she was a little worried about mommy being poked and prodded, but we were very proud at how well she lasted for our entire 2 hour appointment.

When I asked her to point to the baby, she picked it right out.

It is so hard to believe she used to be this tiny in my belly.
Our family is so precious to us and we cannot wait to add to it.
We are so blessed and ecstatic to begin this new, crazy journey.

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