Sunday, August 28, 2011

Birthday girl

Claire Jane is ONE!

For Claire Jane's first birthday we had brunch with Daddy's family, went to to aquarium, which she LOVED, and visited Mommy's family.
We ended the day with a walk in her wagon and her very first ice cream.
Needless to say, it was a wonderful family day.
OH and we sang "Happy Birthday" about 18 times, which she LOVED as well.

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Nakey Nakey

Taking a wagon ride in her birthday suit.

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Outer Banks

This year was Claire's first trip to the Outer Banks for our annual Tremper vacation.

This was our set up. Sweet huh?

We brought snacks...

And a baby pool...

And cousins...

And Uncles... for babysitting of course.

Ham Bone.

Claire liked the ocean when Ema put her feet in it... and that was the only time she liked it.

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Porch time with Daddy

Our beach house had a huge porch with lots of chairs where Claire and daddy frequented daily.
She loved sititng out there waving at people walking and running below.

She was oober happy when she got to sit by herself.

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Claire Jane has a few favorite people, and Zane is one of them. In fact, after mommy and daddy,
her third word was Zane.
She will look at him and say "Za-Za-Za-Zane"

She loves him so much. She crawled
right up and hugged him.

giving kisses and hugs..

"Look momma, I'm sitting with my Zaney"

And here you can tell, he loves her so much too. What a sweet boy.

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Momma love

Not so sure about the water...
but of course when Ema did this with her, she loved it.

Us girls stick together...and rock the zebra.

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Kite flying

We went to the beach at sunset to fly a kite, Claire just wanted to wave to it.

This is her 11th month trick, waving. She waves at everything.

This is blurry, but I had to post it, yet again we are waving.

Ema and Pa had surprises for the kids each night. The smallest things made them so happy.
We flew a kite and wore light sticks as the sun went down.

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Matching girls

Ema and her matching outfits. I have to say, this is one of my favorites.
I love baby girls in animal print!

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Sunday, August 14, 2011


Grammy gave Claire Jane a red wagon for her birthday.
I still cannot believe we will be celebrating her first birthday this month...

It is a new ritual each evening to take a ride in the wed wagon.

It is also a ritual to give mommy a kiss in the wed wagon.

It is daddy's ritual to drink a beer while pulling Claire in the wed wagon.

"Come on ma!"

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